Authorship & Interaction
Libre Graphics
Conditional design
Colour balance tool
illusion tool
cloud filter
Colour balance tool
Colour balance tool
Fractal trace tool
illusion tool
Bump map
Displace tool
Colour balance tool
Illusion tool

Colour balance
illusion tool x2
Font: Arial rounded mt
Smudge tool
Colour balance tool.
Marker pen filter.
Invert Colour.
With the transformation of portraits and still life paintings to photography we have the ability to remix images into whatever we want them to be. Digital media is more immersive and fluid than print which has forced many people to use software to remix old images and modernise them.
Libre graphics & Digital Nature
GIMP is a high quality application for producing icons, graphical design elements, and art for user interface components and mockups.GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program.
Here are all the main tools to remix my images via gimp, Color balance, Smudge tool, Invert tool, Map, Displace, Fractal Trace, Illusion and Make seamless.